Why Is My Cat Meowing So Much

Why Is My Cat Meowing So Much?

If you have a cat, they can be very vocal animals. They meow to talk with you, to express their needs and wants, to show their emotions, and sometimes to make noise. But what if your cat is meowing so much that it becomes annoying or worrisome? You may think, why is my cat meowing so much?

The following blog post answers this question.

What Is Excessive Vocalization?

Excessive vocalization is when your cat meows or cries more than usual or at inappropriate times of the day or night. Experts consider it a sign of a medical or environmental problem that needs to be addressed.

Excessive vocalization can also affect your cat’s quality of life and your relationship with them.

Some cats are more vocal than others, especially certain breeds like Siamese or Oriental cats. They may have a higher tendency to meow for attention, food, or social interaction. However, something is wrong if your cat’s meowing habits change suddenly or dramatically.

When Is Excessive Vocalization Normal?

There are some situations where your cat’s meowing is normal. For example:

  • When they are hungry or thirsty: Your cat may meow to remind you that it’s time for their meal or to refill their water bowl. They may also meow to ask for a treat or a different type of food.
  • When they are in heat or mating: Intact male and female cats will meow loudly and frequently when in heat or looking for a mate. It is their way of advertising their availability and attracting potential partners.
  • When they are greeting you: Your cat may meow to say hello when you come home. It is a positive sign that your cat loves and wants to bond with you.
  • When they are playing: Your cat may meow during playtime to express excitement, curiosity, or frustration. They may also meow to invite you or another cat to join them.
  • When they are exploring: Your cat may meow when they discover something new or exciting in their environment. They may also meow to announce their presence or mark their territory.

What Causes Excessive Vocalization?

There are many possible causes of excessive vocalization in cats.

Some of the most common ones are:


Cats in pain often meow more than usual, especially if the pain is severe or sudden. Various conditions, such as injuries, infections, arthritis, etc., can cause pain.


Cats that are sick will often meow more than usual, especially if they have a fever, nausea, vomiting, or difficulty breathing. Various diseases, such as kidney disease, can cause infection.

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS)

CDS is a condition that affects older cats and causes changes in their brain function. It leads to symptoms such as excessive meowing, anxiety, confusion, etc. CDS is similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans and has no cure.

Hearing or Vision Loss

Cats that lose hearing or vision often meow more than usual, especially at night. They may also show other signs of sensory impairment, such as bumping into things, being startled easily, or ignoring stimuli.

Anxiety or Stress 

Anxious or stressed cats will often meow more than usual, especially if exposed to something that triggers their fear or discomfort. They may also show other signs of anxiety or stress.

Various factors, such as environmental changes, separation from the owner, new pets or people, and loud noises, can cause anxiety or stress.

Boredom or Loneliness

Cats bored or lonely often meow more than usual, especially if they lack stimulation, enrichment, or social interaction. They may also show other signs of boredom or loneliness, such as overgrooming, destructive behavior, or depression.

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Why Is My Cat Meowing at Night?

Why Is My Cat Meowing at Night

If your cat is meowing at night, it may be due to the following reasons:

  • Hunger or thirst
  • Pain or illness
  • Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS)
  • Hearing or vision loss
  • Anxiety or stress

When to Go to the Vet for Constant Meowing?

The physical changes show that your cat needs veterinary attention. You must visit your vet if meowing is accompanied by:

  • Other symptoms of pain or illness
  • Blood in urine or stool
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Seizures
  • Sudden weakness or collapse

Take your cat to the vet for routine examinations and consultations even if they don’t exhibit these symptoms. Your cat can be thoroughly examined by your veterinarian, who can run any required tests to determine what is causing the meowing.

How Do You Treat Excessive Vocalization?

The treatment for excessive vocalization depends on the cause of the problem.

Some of the possible treatments are:


Your vet may prescribe medication to treat any medical condition causing your cat’s meowing. Some of the common remedies are:

  • Painkillers: Your vet may prescribe painkillers to relieve your cat’s pain and discomfort caused by injuries, infections, arthritis, dental problems, etc. Painkillers should be used cautiously and under your vet’s supervision.
  • Anti-inflammatories: Your vet may prescribe anti-inflammatories to reduce your cat’s inflammation and swelling caused by conditions such as arthritis, urinary issues, respiratory problems, etc. 
  • Hormone Therapy: Your vet may prescribe hormone therapy to treat your cat’s hyperthyroidism, which causes an overactive thyroid gland and leads to excessive meowing, weight loss, hunger, etc. 
  • Anti-anxiety Drugs: Your vet may prescribe anti-anxiety medications to treat your cat’s anxiety or stress caused by various factors such as changes in the environment, separation from the owner, new pets or people, loud noises, etc. 

Behavior Modification

Behavior modification is a non-medical approach to treating excessive vocalization in cats. It involves identifying and eliminating the triggers of your cats` meowing and rewarding your cat for being quiet and calm.

Some of the typical behavior modification techniques are:

  • Ignore the Meowing: The best way to stop your cat from meowing for attention is to ignore them completely. Do not look at them, talk to them, touch them, or give them any attention when they meow.
  • Provide Stimulation and Enrichment: The other way to stop your cat from meowing out of boredom or loneliness is to provide ample stimulation and enrichment during the day. Provide your cat with toys and activities to keep them entertained and engaged.
  • Provide Social Interaction: To stop your cat from meowing out of social needs, provide them with enough social interaction. Spend quality time with your cat daily and show them affection and praise.

What Not To Do

It would help if you did not do some things when dealing with excessive vocalization in cats.

These include:

Don`t Punish Your Cat 

Punishing your cat for meowing will not stop them from doing it. It may make them more anxious or fearful and increase their meowing. Punishing your cat may also damage your relationship with them and make them lose trust.

Don`t Give in to Their Demands: 

Giving in to your cat’s demands when they meow will reinforce their behavior and make them meow more often. For example, if you feed your cat every time they meow, they will learn that meowing gets them food and will keep doing it.

Instead, you should stick to a regular feeding schedule and ignore your cat’s meowing until it is time for their meal.

Don`t Change Your Routine 

Changing your way or schedule may confuse or stress your cat and make them meow more. For example, suppose you suddenly start working from home or staying up late. In that case, your cat may not understand why you are not following your usual routine and may meow to get your attention or express dissatisfaction.


Excessive vocalization in cats is a common problem with various causes and solutions. It is vital to rule out any medical issues causing your cat’s meowing and treat them accordingly. Identifying and eliminating any behavioral or environmental factors triggering your cat’s meowing is crucial.

By following the tips above, you can help your cat stop meowing so much and enjoy a quieter and happier life with them.

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