Jawed Karim Net Worth

Jawed Karim Net Worth: How the YouTube Co-Founder Made His Fortune?

Jawed Karim net worth is now in million of dollars with his excellent entrepreneurial management skills. Jawed Karim is an American software engineer and Internet entrepreneur with a net worth of $300 million. He is commonly known for being one of the co-founders of YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing platform. He also uploaded the first video on YouTube, titled “Me at the Zoo,” which has received over 260 million clicks as of March 2023. 

But how did Jawed Karim achieve such success and wealth? This blog post by Article Connects will explore Jawed Karim net worth, early life, career, and investments.

Early Life

Jawed Karim is German by birth, born on October 28, 1979. His father was a researcher at 3M, and his mother was a biochemistry scientist at the University of Minnesota. When he was a kid of only two years, his family crossed the East-West German border to escape communist xenophobia. In 1992, they moved to Saint Paul, Minnesota, where he attended Central High School.

Jawed was interested in computer science from an early age. He joined the University of Illinois  to study computer science. But, he joined PayPal after dropping out of university as one of its early employees. However, he continued his coursework online and at Santa Clara University, earning his bachelor’s degree in computer science. He later earned his master’s degree in computer science from Stanford University.


Jawed Karim Net Worth - YouTube Co Founder

At PayPal, Jawed met Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, who would later become his co-founders of YouTube. He designed many of the core components of PayPal, including its real-time anti-fraud system. 

In 2005, Jawed, Chad, and Steve left PayPal and started YouTube, a website where people could upload and share videos. Jawed came up with the idea of YouTube after being frustrated by finding videos online. He also coded the first version of the website and uploaded the first video on April 23, 2005. 

YouTube quickly became popular and attracted millions of users and views. In October 2006, Google acquired YouTube for $1.65 billion in stock. Jawed received 137,443 shares of Google stock, worth about $64 million at the time. 

After the sale of YouTube, Jawed enrolled as a graduate student at Stanford University while acting as an adviser to YouTube. He also launched a venture capital fund called Youniversity Ventures, which invests in early-stage startups founded by former Stanford and the University of Illinois students. His notable investments include Airbnb, Eventbrite, Palantir, and Reddit. 


Jawed Karim is also recognized for his philanthropic endeavors, although specific details about his charitable activities remain limited. Despite the lack of extensive public information, it is believed that Karim has made substantial donations to various philanthropic causes. Like many successful entrepreneurs who have amassed significant wealth, Karim understands the importance of giving back to society and actively supporting initiatives that aim to bring about positive change.

Philanthropy serves as a way for Karim to leverage his resources and influence for the betterment of society. His substantial net worth can impact causes that align with his values. Although specific organizations or projects Karim has supported may be private, his commitment to philanthropy underscores his will to contribute to the greater good.

As a successful tech entrepreneur, Karim likely recognizes technology’s profound impact on various aspects of society, such as education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. He may direct his philanthropic efforts towards initiatives that support technology to address social challenges and promote innovation.

Lessons from Jawed Karim

Jawed Karim is an example of someone who pursued his passion for computer science and used his skills and creativity to create value for millions. He also demonstrated a keen eye for spotting opportunities and investing in promising ventures.

Some of the positive points we can take from Jawed Karim are:

  • Follow your curiosity and explore different fields and domains. Jawed was interested in computer science but also learned about biochemistry, physics, and economics. He applied his knowledge and skills to various problems and challenges.
  • Be flexible and adaptable. Jawed dropped out of college to join PayPal but did not give up on his education. He continued his coursework online and at other universities. He also switched from being an employee to being an entrepreneur to being an investor.
  • Be visionary and innovative. Jawed saw the potential of online video sharing before it became mainstream. He also created the first video on YouTube, which set the tone for the platform’s culture and community.
  • Be humble and generous. Jawed did not seek fame or glory for his achievements. He kept himself behind the scenes and let his work speak for itself. He also shared his wealth and wisdom with other entrepreneurs and students.


Jawed Karim is one of the most influential figures in the history of the Internet. He co-founded YouTube, which revolutionized how we consume and create content online. He also invested in some of the most successful startups of our time.

Jawed Karim’s net worth reflects his vision, talent, and hard work. He inspires us to follow our passions, seize opportunities, and create value for others.

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