Is Catnip Safe for Dogs

Is Catnip Safe for Dogs? Effects & Benefits

People with a cat or dog probably know how much dogs and cats love catnip. But is catnip safe for dogs? Can dogs also ingest catnip? If so, what benefits and drawbacks come with giving catnip to your dog? 

What Exactly is Catnip and Why Do Dogs Love It?

Herbs in the mint family include catnip. Its potent perfume draws cats and causes them to behave abnormally. Some cats may roll around, rub their faces, or purr when they smell catnip. Others might become more relaxed, playful, or combative.

The reason why cats react to catnip is because of a chemical compound called nepetalactone. This compound binds to receptors in the cat’scat’s brain and mimics the effects of a feline pheromone. Depending on the cat’scat’s personality, age, and environment, it triggers a behavioral response.

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Is Catnip Safe for Dogs?

Catnip for dogs is debatable among many experts. The good news is that canines may safely consume catnip. Even if they get catnip on their skin or fur, dogs can safely smell it. They can also safely eat catnip, so don’t be alarmed if your dog eats catnip toys!

Even puppies can safely consume catnip.

However, just because catnip is safe for dogs doesn’t mean it’s beneficial or necessary. Most dogs don’t care much about catnip at all. Unlike cats, dogs don’tdon’t have receptors for nepetalactone in their brains, so they don’t experience the same effects as felines.

The Effect of Catnip on Dogs

The Effect of Catnip on Dogs

While catnip doesn’t affect dogs in the same obvious way as cats, it might still have subtle effects on them. Some herbalists suggest that catnip can have a calming effect on dogs, similar to how it works on humans.

Some people think that catnip tea helps treat nervousness and insomnia. But, there is no substantial scientific evidence to support this claim, and the effect of catnip on dogs has never been studied adequately.

Therefore, we need to find out if catnip works on dogs, or if it does, how long it lasts, and what dosage is appropriate.

Benefits of Catnip for Dogs

Catnip may not be very exciting for dogs, but it can still offer some health benefits for them. 

  • Natural sedative: Catnip can help dogs with trouble sleeping or anxiety about certain situations. A small amount of catnip in their food or water can help them relax and sleep better.
  • Diuretic: Catnip can promote healthy urination and flush out excess water and toxins from the body.
  • Intestinal health: Catnip can help relieve gas, bloating, cramps, diarrhoea, and indigestion. It can also soothe an upset stomach.
  • Menstruation: Catnip can ease menstrual cramps and discomfort in female dogs.
  • Natural antiseptic: Catnip contains thymol, which has antiseptic properties. It can treat cuts, scratches, and sores on the skin.
  • Repel insects: Catnip can repel mosquitoes, fleas, and other pests that bother dogs.

How to Give Your Dog a Catnip?

You can sprinkle dried or fresh catnip on their food or mix it into tea or broth. You can also rub some catnip oil on their toys or bedding. However, be careful not to let your cat get hold of them!

The quantity of catnip you should give your dog will vary based on its size, weight, and general health. Contact your vet before feeding your dog herbal treatments. Start with a little bit and watch your dog’sdog’s reaction. Stop giving them catnip and call your veterinarian if you observe any adverse side effects, including vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy.

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Should You Give Catnip to Your Dog?

Catnip is not harmful to dogs but is also not essential for them. Most dogs don’t show much interest in catnip and don’t benefit from its effects as much as cats do. However, some dogs may enjoy catnip as a treat or a supplement, especially if they have specific health issues that catnip can help.

If you decide to give catnip to your dog, make sure you do it safely and moderately. Please don’t provide too much catnip or too often, as it can cause dehydration, stomach upset, or allergic reactions.

Also, keep catnip away from your cat, as they may get jealous or aggressive over it.


Catnip is a herb that can make cats go crazy, but it doesn’t have the same effect on dogs. Dogs can safely smell and eat catnip but don’t respond to it like cats do. Catnip may have some health benefits for dogs, such as calming them down, relieving digestive problems, and repelling insects.

However, these benefits are not scientifically proven and may vary depending on the dog. If you want to give catnip to your dog, do it with caution and moderation, and always consult your vet first.

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