IV Sedation Vs General Anesthesia: Understanding the Difference 

IV Sedation Vs General Anesthesia: Understanding the Difference 

If you plan to undergo a dental procedure, you may wonder what anesthesia you will receive. Anesthesia is a medical technique that blocks pain and other sensations during an operation. There are different types of anesthesia, but two of the most common ones are IV sedation and general anesthesia. This article will discuss IV sedation…

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Headaches? Get Rid of It

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Headaches? Get Rid of It

Headaches are bothersome because of multiple causes, such as stress. Sometimes, an unexpected cause can also be hiding in your mouth – your wisdom teeth. Surprisingly, these back molars can be the reason behind headaches. The following blog will cover questions: Can wisdom teeth cause headaches, why can these teeth lead to head pain, and…

Teeth After Braces: What to Expect and How to Care for Them?

Teeth After Braces: What to Expect and How to Care for Them?

Braces are an orthodontic treatment to improve the look and function of teeth. They can correct issues like overcrowding, crooked teeth, and overbite. Are you curious about what happens to teeth after braces? How will they look and feel? How can you take care of them? The following post will answer about caring for teeth…