Family Law Attorney Free Consultation

Family Law Attorney Free Consultation: Why You Need It?

Suppose you face a family law issue, such as divorce and spousal support. In that case, you may need a lawyer to represent you. Hiring a lawyer is expensive but can also help protect your rights in a complex legal process. However, before hiring a lawyer, you should take advantage of family law attorney free consultation.

The following informative blog will delve into family law attorney-free consultations. We will shed light on what they entail and how they can benefit your quest for legal resolution. 

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What is a Free Consultation?

A free consultation is an initial meeting between you and a potential lawyer, where you can discuss your case and ask questions. It can assist you in understanding your legal options, the possible outcomes of your case, and the fees and costs involved in hiring a lawyer. A free consultation can also help you evaluate the lawyer’s experience and decide if it fits you.

Family Law Attorney

A family law attorney is a lawyer who specializes in legal issues related to family relationships, such as marriage, divorce, and paternity. A family law attorney can help you with various aspects of your case, such as:

  • Filing the necessary paperwork and documents with the court
  • Negotiating with the other party or their lawyer
  • Representing you in court hearings and trials
  • Advising you on your rights and obligations
  • Advocating for your best interests and goals

What Qualifies as A Family Law Case?

Family law cases can involve various issues and situations that affect family members. Some of the most common types of family law cases are:

Contested and Uncontested Divorce

The divorce is contested when the couples disagree on additional divorce-related issues, such as property partition and spousal maintenance. It requires more time and money than an uncontested divorce.

When the parties to the divorce agree on all the issues and do not require the court to decide, the divorce is said to be uncontested.

Parental Rights, Child Custody, and Child Support

Parental rights are parents’ legal rights toward their children. Child custody determines how the parents will share their children’s physical and legal care after a divorce. Child support is the financial obligation that one parent pays to the other parent for the benefit of their children.

Spousal Support and Alimony Agreements 

Spousal support is the payment that one spouse makes to the other spouse after a divorce to help them maintain their standard of living. Spousal support can be temporary and permanent. It depends on the factors such as the duration of the marriage and the involvement of each spouse in the wedding.

Legal Name Changes

A legal name change is changing one’s name for personal and professional reasons. A legal name change can be done as part of a divorce. A legal name change needs filing a petition with the court and publishing a notice in a newspaper.

DSS Cases & Adoption 

DSS stands for Department of Social Services, a government agency providing services to needy families. DSS cases can involve child abuse, neglect, and termination of parental rights. Adoption is the legal process of creating a new parent-child relationship between an adoptive parent and an adoptive child.

What Are the Grounds for Divorce?

The bases for divorce are the legal reasons that justify ending a marriage. Different states have different laws regarding the grounds for divorce. Some states have no-fault divorce laws, which implies that one spouse can opt for divorce without proving any wrongdoing by the other spouse. 

The only requirement is that the spouses have irreconcilable differences. Different states have fault-based divorce laws, which means that one spouse has to prove that the other spouse performed a specific act that caused the marriage breakdown. Common grounds for fault-based divorce are adultery and addiction.

How Do You Start the Divorce Process?

The divorce process may vary depending on the state where you live, but it generally involves these steps:

  • Filing a complaint for divorce with the court
  • Serving a copy of the petition or complaint to your spouse
  • Responding to your spouse’s answer or counterclaim
  • Disclosing financial information and documents
  • Negotiating a settlement agreement
  • Finalizing the divorce decree or judgment

How Does the Division of Property Work?

The division of property is the process of dividing the assets that the spouses acquired during the marriage. It can be done by agreement. Different states have different laws on this.

Some states follow the community property system, which means that all the property that the spouses acquire during the marriage is considered to be owned equally by both spouses. It is split equally between the spouses unless there is a valid reason to do otherwise. 

Other states follow the equitable distribution system, which means that the spouses’ property obtained during the marriage is split relatively but not necessarily equally, based on factors such as the wedding length and each spouse’s earning capacity.

How is Child Custody Decided?

Child custody is determined based on the finest interests of the child. The finest interests of the child are determined by considering factors such as:

  • The age and developmental needs of the child
  • The physical and mental health of the child and the parents
  • The emotional and social bonds between the child and the parents
  • The ability and willingness of each parent to provide for the child’s needs
  • The stability of the child’s environment
  • The history of domestic violence, abuse, or neglect, if any

Child custody can be joint/sole, depending on how much time each parent has over the child. Joint custody means that both parents of the child share physical possession of the child. Sole custody means one parent has primary legal custody of the child. In contrast, the other parent has visitation rights.

Legal Aid

In family law attorney free consultation, legal aid is a program that provides free and low-cost legal services to people who cannot afford a lawyer. It can help with various legal issues, such as family law and civil rights. Legal aid can also provide education and referrals—multiple sources like federal grants, state funds, and court fees fund legal aid.

To qualify for legal aid, you must fulfill specific eligibility criteria, such as income level and type of legal problem.

Pro Bono

Pro bono is a Latin term that means “for the public good.” It refers to legal services provided free of charge by lawyers to people who cannot afford a lawyer. Pro bono can help with various legal issues, such as family law and veterans affairs.

To find a pro bono lawyer near you, contact your local or American Bar Association.

Particular Groups

Some groups may have specific legal needs or challenges requiring specialized assistance. For example:

  • Women: Women may face domestic violence and property division. Women can find legal help from the National Women’s Law Center, Women’s Law Project, and Equal Rights Advocates.
  • Children: Children may face abuse, neglect, and immigration. Children can find legal help from the Children’s Law Center, the National Association of Counsel for Children, and the Guardian ad Litem Program.
  • Seniors: Seniors may face elder abuse, neglect, and guardianship issues. Seniors can find legal help from organizations such as the National Senior Citizens Law Center, Elder Law of America, and Senior Legal Aid.

Free Legal Answers

Free Legal Answers is an online service that allows you to ask a volunteer lawyer about a non-criminal legal issue for free. You can use Free Legal Answers if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • You have a low income
  • You are not incarcerated
  • You have access to the Internet

To use Free Legal Answers, you must create an account and provide information about your income and legal issues. Then you can submit your question and wait for a response from a lawyer. You can ask up to three questions per year. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the cost of a consultation?

The consultation cost depends on the lawyer and the type of case. Some lawyers offer free consultations for some instances, such as personal injury and bankruptcy. Other lawyers charge a flat fee rate for consultations. The average consultation cost ranges from $50 to $300 per hour.

How to calculate consulting fees?

Consulting fees are the amount a consultant charges for their services. Some standard methods of calculating consulting fees are:

  • Hourly rate: The consultant charges a fixed amount per hour of work.
  • Project-based fee: The consultant charges a fixed amount for the entire project or a specific deliverable.
  • Retainer fee: The consultant charges a fixed amount per month or year for ongoing services.
  • Value-based fee: The consultant charges a percentage of the value or revenue they generate for the client.

What does a consultant do?

A consultant is a specialist who provides expert advice on a specific topic. A consultant can help clients with various aspects of their personal goals, such as:

  • Identifying problems and opportunities
  • Analyzing data and information
  • Developing strategies and solutions
  • Implementing plans and actions
  • Evaluating outcomes and feedback
  • Providing training and coaching

What are the four roles of a consultant?

According to Peter Block’s book Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used, there are four roles that a consultant can play:

  • Expert: The consultant provides information and recommendations based on their knowledge and experience.
  • Pair of hands: The consultant performs tasks and functions that the client requests or delegates.
  • Collaborator: The consultant works with the client as a partner and shares responsibility for the project.
  • Coach: The consultant helps the client develop their skills and abilities.

How do you conduct a free consultation?

A free consultation lets you showcase your value and expertise to potential clients. To conduct a successful free consultation, you should follow these steps:

  • Prepare: Research the client and their needs and challenges. Prepare some questions and topics to discuss. Set a clear agenda and time limit for the consultation.
  • Listen: Ask open-ended questions and listen actively to the client’s responses. Show empathy and interest in their situation. Clarify any doubts that they have.
  • Educate: Share your insights and suggestions on how to solve their problem. Provide evidence to support your claims. Avoid using technical terms that the client may not understand.
  • Sell: Explain how your services can help the client and what benefits they can expect from working with you. Highlight your competitive advantage. Address any objections that the client may have.
  • Close: Summarize the main points and outcomes of the consultation. Ask for feedback and confirmation from the client. Propose the following steps to move forward with the project. Thank them for their time and interest.


Family law attorney free consultation is a valuable tool to help you find a family law attorney to help you with legal issues. A free consultation can help you comprehend your legal situation. However, a free consultation is not a substitute for hiring a lawyer. 

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