Exposed Nerve

Exposed Nerve: What It Is and How to Treat?

An exposed nerve occurs when your tooth’s protective layer of enamel wears away. This exposes the sensitive nerve endings inside. Also, it can cause severe pain, especially when you consume something hot and sour. It can also increase your risk of infection and tooth loss.

The following blog will explain what exposed nerve is, how it happens, and how to treat it.

What Are the Four Types of Teeth?

Before we dive into the details, let’s first review the basics of your teeth. Your teeth are essential for chewing, speaking, and smiling. They also support your facial structure and appearance.

You have four types of teeth in your mouth:

  • Incisors are the eight front teeth in your upper and lower jaw. These help bite and cut food.
  • Canines are the four pointed teeth next to your incisors. These help tear and shred food.
  • Premolars are the eight teeth behind your canines. They help grind and crush food.
  • Molars are the twelve teeth at the back of your mouth. They help chew and mash food.

How Is the Tooth Structured?

Each tooth has three main parts: the root, the neck, and the crown.

The Root

This is the part of the tooth embedded in your jawbone. It anchors the tooth in place and provides support. The root has a thin layer of hard tissue in the surroundings called cementum. This protects the root from damage and infection.

The Neck

This part of the tooth connects the root and the crown. It is also covered by cementum and surrounded by gum tissue.

The Crown

This is the part of the tooth that is visible above the gum line. A shiny layer of hard tissue called enamel covers the crown. Enamel is the hardest substance in your body. It protects the crown from decay and erosion.

[Pulp Chamber]

Inside each tooth, there is a hollow space called the pulp chamber. It contains soft tissue called pulp. It consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue that provide sensation to the tooth.Exposed Nerve

What Is an Exposed Tooth Nerve?

It is a condition where the enamel on your tooth wears away. This exposes the pulp and the nerve endings inside. It can happen for various reasons, such as physical trauma and dental anomalies. This can cause severe pain when you eat and drink something hot, cold and sour. 

What Are the Signs of Exposed Tooth Nerve?

Some of the common signs and symptoms of exposed tooth nerve are:

  • Elongated Teeth: Your teeth may appear longer than usual because of gum recession.
  • Damage to the Gums: Your gums may bleed and recede because of gum disease. 
  • Increased Pain and Sensitivity: You may experience sharp pain when you eat and drink something sweet and sour.

What Causes an Exposed Tooth Nerve?

Many factors can cause an exposed nerve, such as:

Physical Trauma

An accident can injure your tooth and expose the inside nerve endings. This can happen due to sports and biting on something hard.

Tooth Decay

Bacteria in your mouth can produce acids that erode the enamel and create cavities. If left untreated, these cavities can reach the pulp and expose the nerve endings. This can occur due to inadequate oral hygiene and genetics.

Gum Recession

Your gums can shrink from your teeth and expose the nerve endings. This can happen due to ageing and brushing too hard with a hard-bristled toothbrush.

Teeth Misalignment

This can make it hard to clean your teeth properly. Also, this allows plaque to accumulate and cause decay. It can also cause your teeth to rub against each other and wear away the enamel. This can happen due to genetics and losing teeth prematurely.

Dental Anomalies

Some people may have dental anomalies that affect the structure of their teeth. For example, some people may have enamel hypoplasia. This makes the teeth vulnerable to decay. It can happen due to genetic disorders and environmental factors.

How Do You Treat Exposed Tooth Nerve?

You should see your dentist immediately if you have an exposed tooth nerve. Based on the severity and cause of your condition, your dentist may suggest the following treatments:

  • Dental Filling: This is a method where the dentist fills the cavity with a material such as composite resin. It restores the shape and function of your tooth.
  • Dental Crown: This is a procedure where the dentist covers the entire tooth with a cap made of metal. It protects your tooth from decay and fracture.
  • Dental Veneer: In this, the dentist attaches a thin layer of material, such as porcelain, to the front surface of your tooth.
  • Root Canal Therapy: This is a method where your dentist pulls the infected pulp and nerve endings. Then, he will fill the pulp chamber and root canal with a material such as gutta-percha.
  • Tooth Extraction: In this, your dentist eradicates the tooth from its socket in your jawbone. It is usually done when your tooth is too damaged.

Tips to Prevent Exposed Tooth Nerve

The best way to prevent an exposed tooth nerve is to take good care of your teeth and gums. Here are some tips that can help you:

Prevent Receding Gums

Brushing your teeth daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush is good. It is better to floss daily to remove plaque from between your teeth. You should avoid brushing too hard, as this can damage your gums. It is better to avoid using tobacco products.

Prevent Gum Disease

You should see the dentist for check-ups. They can remove tartar from your teeth and gums. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants is also essential.

Watch For Misaligned Teeth

You should consult your dentist if you notice any changes in the alignment of your teeth. Your dentist can examine your teeth. He can determine if you need orthodontic treatment to correct your teeth misalignment. This can improve your bite function.

Avoid Physical Trauma

You should wear a mouthguard when engaging in acts that may cause injury. You should also avoid biting on complex objects, such as ice. It is better to see your dentist immediately if you experience any trauma.Exposed Nerve

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can an exposed tooth nerve heal itself? 

No, it cannot heal itself. Once the enamel on your tooth wears away, your body cannot regenerate it. It would help if you see your dentist for treatment to restore your tooth.

Why is tooth nerve pain worse at night? 

Tooth nerve pain may be worse at night because of several reasons. When you lie down, the blood pressure in your head increases. This puts more pressure on your nerve endings. 

Another reason is that you may grind your teeth when you are asleep. This can aggravate your nerve endings. 

What painkiller is best for toothache? 

The best painkiller for toothache depends on the cause and severity of your pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) effectively reduce pain. However, they may have side effects such as stomach upset and allergic reactions. 

How long does it take for an exposed tooth nerve to heal? 

The healing time for it depends on the type of treatment you receive. If you have a dental filling, it may take a few days to a few weeks to heal. You may feel some mild pain during this period. This is manageable with painkillers and oral care. 

Does Listerine help with toothache? 

Listerine is a brand of antiseptic mouthwash. It can help with toothache by killing bacteria in your mouth. This can also provide a cooling sensation that can temporarily relieve pain. However, Listerine is not a cure for toothache. You should still see your dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Exposed nerves occur when the enamel on your tooth wears away. This exposes the sensitive nerve endings inside. It can increase your risk of infection. You should see your dentist immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

You can also prevent this by caring for your teeth and gums.


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