Can I Drink Coffee After Tooth Extraction

Can I Drink Coffee After Tooth Extraction?

If you are a coffee lover who has just had a tooth extraction, you might wonder: can I drink coffee after tooth extraction? Whether you have had a wisdom tooth, a molar, or an incisor removed, you must follow your dentist’s instructions to avoid complications.

After tooth extraction, avoid hot drinks, including coffee, for at least 24 hours. But what about cold or lukewarm coffee?

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Why Do We Need to Extract Our Teeth?

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that a dentist can do. Depending on the location and condition of the tooth, it can be either a simple extraction (using forceps to pull out the tooth) or a surgical extraction (removing the tooth along with some bone).

The tooth may need to be extracted for various reasons, such as:

  • Severe decay or damage that cannot be repaired by a filling, crown, or root canal
  • Impaction or overcrowding of wisdom teeth
  • Gum disease or infection that affects the bone and tissues around the tooth
  • Trauma or injury that causes the tooth to fracture or loosen
  • Orthodontic treatment that requires the removal of some teeth to create space for alignment

What is the Procedure?

Your dentist will take an X-ray of your mouth before the procedure to determine the position and shape of the tooth. They will also visit your medical history and ask about any medications you take. You may need to stop taking medications like blood thinners or aspirin.

Your dentist will then numb the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic injection. You may also receive sedation if you are anxious or if the procedure is complex. Sedation can range from nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to oral medication to intravenous (IV) sedation.

During the procedure, your dentist will use special medical tools to loosen and remove the tooth from its socket. They may also cut some gum tissue or bone if needed. The dentist will then clean the socket and place a gauze pad over it to stop the bleeding.

After Removal

After the procedure, you will get instructions on caring for yourself. You may experience pain and bleeding for a few days. These are typical signs of healing and can be managed with painkillers and rest.

You should also avoid certain activities that can disrupt the blood clot or cause infection, such as:

  • Smoking or using tobacco products
  • Drinking alcohol or hot beverages
  • Drinking through a straw or spitting
  • Eating hard, crunchy, sticky, or spicy foods
  • Brushing or flossing near the extraction site
  • Rinsing your mouth vigorously

You should also keep your head elevated when sleeping and avoid lying on the side of the extraction.

Dry Socket

One of the most common complications after tooth extraction is a dry socket. It occurs when the blood clot that forms over the socket is dislodged or dissolved before the wound heals. A dry socket exposes the underlying bone and nerve endings to air.

A dry socket usually develops within 3 to 5 days after tooth extraction. It affects about 2% to 5% of all extractions but is more common with lower wisdom teeth extractions. If you suspect you have a dry socket, you should see your dentist immediately.

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How Coffee Can Disrupt Healing?

How Coffee Can Disrupt Healing

Coffee is a popular beverage worldwide, with many people relying on it to boost energy, focus, and mood. However, coffee is not a good idea after tooth extraction for several reasons.

First, coffee is a hot drink, which can increase the blood flow to the extraction site and delay the clotting process. It can increase the risk of bleeding and dry sockets. Therefore, you should avoid hot drinks after tooth extraction.

Second, coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that can raise your blood pressure and heart rate. It can also affect the blood clotting and healing process. Moreover, caffeine can interfere with painkillers and antibiotics you may take after tooth extraction.

Therefore, you should limit your caffeine intake to no more than 200 mg daily, equivalent to about 2 cups of brewed coffee.

Third, coffee is acidic, irritating the extraction site and causing inflammation and pain. It can also erode the enamel of your remaining teeth and make them more sensitive to temperature and pressure.

What Can You Eat or Drink After Your Tooth Is Removed?

After tooth extraction, you need to eat and drink foods and beverages that are soft, bland, and gentle on your mouth. These will help you stay hydrated and nourished without disrupting the blood clot or causing infection.

Some examples of foods and drinks that you can have after tooth extraction are:

  • Water
  • Milk
  • Smoothies
  • Soup
  • Oatmeal
  • Pudding

When Is It Safe to Drink Coffee After an Extraction?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, such as how well you heal after tooth extraction, how much coffee you usually drink, and how sensitive your mouth is to heat and acidity.

However, you should wait at least five days before drinking coffee again after tooth extraction. It will give enough time for the blood clot to form and stabilize and for the extraction site to heal. By then, you can resume your regular diet.

However, you should still be careful and follow some precautions when drinking coffee after tooth extraction, such as:

  • Drink coffee at a moderate temperature
  • Drink coffee in moderation
  • Drink coffee with milk or cream
  • Drink coffee with a straw
  • Rinse your mouth after drinking coffee

Coffee After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that usually erupt between 17 and 25. However, many people need more space in their jaws to accommodate these teeth. It can cause them to become impacted or misaligned, leading to various problems, such as pain.

Therefore, many dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth before they cause any complications. Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure that involves making an incision in the gum and removing the tooth along with some bone and tissue.

The recovery process after wisdom teeth removal is similar to any other tooth extraction. However, it may take longer and require more care and attention, as wisdom teeth are more prominent and profound than others.

The same rules apply for drinking coffee after wisdom teeth removal as for any other tooth extraction. You should avoid hot drinks for at least 24 hours and limit your caffeine intake to 5 days. You should drink coffee with a straw after the first day and rinse your mouth after drinking.

How to Promote Healing?

The healing process after tooth extraction varies from person to person, depending on factors such as age, health, type of extraction, and post-operative care. However, generally, it takes about 7 to 10 days for the gum tissue to heal and about 3 to 6 months for the bone to heal.

You can speed up recovery by following some simple steps, such as:

  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Taking supplements
  • Applying natural remedies
  • No exercise 
  • Mouth rinsing 
  • Avoid alcohol, hot coffee, and tobacco for 24 hours
  • Taking care of oral hygiene

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I Drink Lukewarm Coffee After Tooth Extraction?

You can drink lukewarm coffee after tooth extraction but only after 24 hours. Lukewarm coffee is less likely to cause pain or sensitivity than hot coffee. However, you should limit caffeine intake and drink coffee with milk or cream to reduce acidity.

Can I drink Cold Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

You can drink cold coffee after tooth extraction but only after 24 hours. Cold coffee is less likely to affect the blood clot than hot coffee. However, you should limit your caffeine intake and drink coffee with a straw to avoid contact with the extraction site.

When Can I Drink Hot Beverages After Tooth Extraction?

You can drink hot beverages after tooth extraction but only after five days. By then, the blood clot should be stable, and the extraction site should be healed enough to tolerate heat.


Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that can be done for various reasons. However, it requires proper care and attention to avoid complications. One of the things that you need to avoid after a tooth extraction is drinking coffee for at least 24 hours.

You can resume drinking coffee after five days of tooth extraction. However, you should still be careful and follow some precautions. Following these tips, you can recover faster and better after tooth extraction and enjoy your coffee without problems.

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