Can Cats Eat Beans

Can Cats Eat Beans? The Key Points To Remember

Beans are popular for many people, as they are rich in protein. They come in many varieties, such as green beans, black beans, lentils, and more. But what about our feline friends? Can cats eat beans? Are they good or bad for them?

Cats are obligate carnivores that need animal protein to survive and thrive. Their digestive system is designed to process meat, not plant matter. While beans are not toxic to cats, they can cause digestive issues if fed too often or in large amounts.

Beans also contain some anti-nutrients that can interfere with the absorption of minerals and amino acids in cats. Therefore, beans should not be the central part of a cat’s diet but rather an occasional treat or supplement.

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What is in a bean?

Beans are legumes that belong to the Fabaceae family. They are seeds that grow in pods and have a hard outer shell. Depending on the type, beans have a high protein content, ranging from 15% to 25%.

Beans also contain carbohydrates, mainly in the form of starch and fibre. They are low in fat and cholesterol but high in folate, iron, and other micronutrients.

A Cat’s Diet

Cats have different nutritional needs than humans. They require a high amount of protein (about 30% to 40% of their daily calories), moderate fat (about 20% to 30%) and low carbohydrates (less than 10%).

Cats also need certain amino acids that they cannot synthesize themselves, such as taurine, arginine and methionine. These amino acids are found mainly in animal sources. Cats also need certain vitamins and minerals specific to their species, such as vitamins A, D, and calcium.

Benefits of Beans

Beans can benefit cats if fed in moderation and adequately prepared. Using beans can offer some protein and fiber for cats, which can help with their digestion and bowel movements. They can also provide vitamins and minerals to support cats` immune systems and overall health.

Beans can also provide variety and enrichment for cats, as they may enjoy the taste and texture of different beans.

Can Cats Eat Beans?

Can Cats Eat Beans  Article Connects

Cats can eat beans, but only as an occasional treat or supplement. Beans should comprise 10% of a cat’s daily calories, as they can cause digestive problems or nutritional imbalances if fed too much or too often.

Beans should also be cooked before feeding them to cats, as raw beans can contain harmful substances that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or even cat poisoning. Beans should also be plain and unsalted, as spices, sauces, or salt can harm cats.

Hazards of Giving Beans to Cats

Beans can pose some hazards for cats if fed improperly or excessively.

Some of the potential risks include:


Beans contain oligosaccharides, complex sugars cats cannot digest. These sugars ferment in the gut and produce gas, which can cause bloating, flatulence or discomfort in cats.


Due to their high carbohydrate and fibre content, beans might make cats’ pancreas work harder. The pancreas produces enzymes that aid in digestion.


Some cats may be allergic to beans or certain types of beans. It can cause itching, swelling, hives or difficulty breathing in cats. If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction in your cat, contact your vet.


Beans are small and complex, posing a choking hazard for cats. Cats may swallow them whole or get them stuck in their throat or mouth. It can cause coughing or difficulty breathing in cats.

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Chickpeas are a type of bean known as garbanzo beans or hummus beans. They are beige-coloured and round-shaped and have a nutty flavor.

Cats can eat chickpeas, but only in small amounts and occasionally. Chickpeas are not toxic to cats but can cause gas, bloating or diarrhea if fed too much or too often.

Can Cats Eat Black Beans?

Black beans are a type of bean that is black-colored and oval-shaped and have a creamy texture. Black beans are high in protein. Cats can eat black beans, but only in small amounts and occasionally.

Black beans are not toxic to cats but can cause gas, bloating or diarrhea if fed too much or too often. Black beans should also be cooked plain, as raw black beans can contain lectins that can interfere with the digestion and absorption of nutrients in cats.

Can Cats Eat Refried Beans?

Refried beans are a type of bean that is cooked and mashed with oil, spices or other ingredients. They are commonly used in Mexican cuisine and have a smooth texture. Cats should not eat refried beans, as they can harm them.

Refried beans are often seasoned with garlic, onion, chilli or other spices that can be toxic to cats. They are also high in fat and salt, which can cause pancreatitis or hypertension in cats.

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Never Let Your Cat Eat Cacao Beans or Coffee Beans

Cacao and coffee beans are not technically beans but seeds from the cacao tree and the coffee plant. They are used to make chocolate and coffee, popular beverages for humans. Cacao and coffee beans are high in caffeine, affecting the nervous system.

Cats should never eat cacao beans or coffee beans, as they can be fatal. Cacao beans and coffee beans contain methylxanthines, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, heart problems or death in cats.

Cats are more sensitive to methylxanthines than humans, as they cannot metabolize them well. Even a small amount of cacao beans or coffee beans can be dangerous for cats.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What do I do if My Cat Overate Beans?

If your cat overate beans, you might notice signs of digestive distress, such as gas, bloating, diarrhoea or vomiting. Usually, these signs will resolve within a few hours or days.

However, if your cat overeats a specific type of bean that is toxic or harmful to them, such as cacao beans or coffee beans, you should contact your vet immediately. Your vet may monitor your cat’s vital signs and provide supportive care until they recover.

Will Beans Make My Cats Flatulent?

Yes, beans can make your cats pretentious, as they contain oligosaccharides that ferment in the gut and produce gas. It can cause your cats to pass wind more often or loudly than usual.

The noise is not harmful to your cats but may be unpleasant for you or your guests. You can reduce gas production by occasionally feeding your cats small amounts of cooked and plain beans.

Can Cats Have Green Beans?

Yes, cats can have green beans, but only in small amounts and occasionally. Green beans are not toxic to cats but can cause gas, bloating, or diarrhea if fed too much or too often. They should also be cooked plain, as raw green beans contain lectins.


Can cats eat beans? It is a complex query. Beans are a nutritious food for humans, but not so much for cats. Cats are obligate carnivores and need animal protein to meet their nutritional needs. Beans are not toxic to cats but can cause digestive problems if fed too much.

Beans should only be given to cats as an occasional treat or supplement, always cooked and plain. Some types of beans, such as cacao beans or coffee beans, should never be given to cats, as they can be fatal for them.

If you want to share your beans with your cat, do it safely and sparingly. Your cat will thank you for it.

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